Monday, March 30, 2015

Self Reflection #2- Christen Roper

With this essay. I found it a bit harder to do. Maybe because I almost couldn’t understand it till the last minute, or maybe it was just me. I don’t know. I feel like I did a pretty good job on it, and hoped I did a good job on it. Talking about an issue that I just find so interesting always helps me out in essays. Gun control has always got me talking about it and what we should do to help out is a list of possibilities that we need to go through. We need to figure out something that will help and work for everyone.

In all I feel like I did good in the essay to understand what I am talking about, but of course I always have a lot of problems with essays. It’s just me. It’s in my blood to mess a few things up. But overall I think I did a really good job.

I can’t wait to start on our last essay. First because it’s soon to be the end of the semester so that means summer is very soon, and that this is our time to argue what we should do to end our issues in every paper. Argumentative essays have always been my favorite essays because they get to see our side of the view and what we think should happen.

So yeah, I think I did good and can’t wait for the next essay!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Introduction And Working Thesis- Christen Roper

Guns Don’t Kill People. People Kill People.
The Fight For and Against Gun Control.

            April 16th, 2007, Seung-Hui Cho kills 32 people in the Virginia Teach massacre. December 14th, 2012, Adam Lanza opens fire in Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, Connecticut, killing 20 kids and six adults. July 20th, 2012 James E. Holmes opens fire in a midnight screening of Batman: The Dark Knight Rises, killing twelve and wounding even more.  These few shootings pulled from CNN were only a few shootings that have rocked history. All of these massacres and many more were caused by people with emotional problems, allowing themselves to kill and wound so many, before taking their own lives. All of these violent acts against humanity were committed by using weapons like AR-15s and the Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle, all known as automatic and semi-automatic guns. Since then, Congress has been arguing if they should ban guns all together, give background checks, never let any criminal or mentally challenged person own a gun, or even just ban certain guns. Laws against guns and gun control have been issued before, but with all of these new massacres, they are putting the regulations back on the table and trying to see what would be more effective. All of these questions have been around the bend a few times and yet we have not come up with a plan. Most of the laws we try just don’t work anymore. 
When we think of guns, we think of every violent massacre that has happened in the past years. From Sandy Hook, to Columbine, and many others that have been recent or from the past. Each of these violent crimes had been caused by guns being in the wrong hands. However, having guns in the wrong hands shouldn’t make everyone a criminal. Those who own guns in the civil way and don’t use them against anyone shouldn’t be victimized and made public enemy number one just because of some people who decided to use it for their own evil doing. 

            There are people for gun control, whether it’s banning certain guns, or providing back ground checks, or any other possibility to keep guns out the wrong hands. Then, there are people against gun control, who want to be able to keep their guns without being seen as an enemy. There are also the people who don’t know what’s better or what’s right. Gun control has been evident in the past few years as the massacres keep piling up. From the simple altercations, to protection, to the massacres of innocent victims, gun control is always out there, just waiting or a new string of control or when it will finally be over.  There are other serious issues going on right now, and gun control is in the mixture of all of these.

            We have to be able to figure something out with gun control that will be alright with both sides of the issue. Something that will work and make everyone, not just one side, happy. Gun control has two sides, but we need to be able to mix the two sides together and make both sides work, so we can make everyone agree instead of causing another nationwide problem.