Thursday, February 19, 2015

Argument Analysis Self Reflection - Christen Roper

I honestly think I really outdid this essay!

I started off strong, and then I realized that I was doing it wrong. I was focusing more on my point of the argument then on the actual articles we were reading, but then I finally got it in gear and managed to make my essay work with me.

Writing argument analysis is hard, especially when you’re trying to find a good topic and good articles. That’s always hard. But I’ve always been interested in Gun Control because of my family. We all own guns, my parents and my brother have concealed weapons permits and I will get mine once I turn twenty one. I don’t want to lose the right to own a gun because of tragedies that happened. Yes every shooting was awful, but that doesn’t mean we should punish everyone that owns a gun.

Back to the essay. I honestly think I outdid it but going over the top with certain things. Now if I did well then that’s another day, but I think I did well. I struggled on certain spots but I really think I did well this time.

Or at least I hope I did well this time.

We’ll just have to see.

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