Saturday, February 28, 2015

Is There a Way to Control Guns Without Causing a Nation-Wide Problem? - Christen Roper

Gun control has always been a very serious debate since all of the bloody massacres that have happened throughout the years. Whether it was Sandy Hook, or the ever recent murder-suicide at USC Columbia a few weeks ago, guns have been used and control has been issued to pull guns away from us. But why do the people that aren’t crazy bullied because we want to have guns?

My family is a gun-toting family and I’m not afraid of saying it. My mom, dad, and brother all have concealed weapon permits. When I turn twenty one I will be getting mine. We have guns in my house. But we have them only for protection. Nothing more, nothing less. We have them just in case something happens. 

This issue has always been strong for me because we shouldn’t be punishing the people who have guns for protection or just for hunting use. If we haven’t done anything, then there’s nothing you can do to make us seem like criminals. Banning guns for certain people who fail a background check or have been in prison, yes. Banning certain weapons, yes. Banning certain high capacity magazines for guns. Yes, this can all be useful. But don’t just punish everyone because of certain things that have happened.

Some of the stakeholders for this problem would be gun-toting people, like us. We want to keep them without being punished. The NRA, who has been against this for a long time. And then there’s the government and family of these shooting victims. They want these bans, they want to take guns away from all of us.

So I ask these questions:

Is there a way to control guns without causing a nation-wide problem?

Can there be a certain ban on certain weapons?

Who will be affected by this if it happens?

If guns are banned, how easy will it be for people till steal guns or find a way to get them?

What would happen if there was a gun massacre and no one was there to stop it?

Do we all have to be affected by this certain ban?

Is there a different way to control guns without completely taking them out of our hands for good?

What would happen in the future with this ban?

Is everybody for this control or against it?

Will this actually help us, or will it hurt us?

These are just some questions and I can think of many more with this problem.

Finding research is a little hard because I find more for gun control than against when I need both. But I have been able to find enough and am still looking for more.

Gun control has always been serious in my life because it’s something that will affect all of us if we aren’t careful.

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