Monday, February 9, 2015

Argumentative Analysis - Christen Roper

Initially, when I first saw the argument in the Learning Modules, I went for it because it was one of those controversial topics that I actually enjoyed. I have done many argumentative essays before but I have always enjoyed certain topics more than others that I have had to do.

The first article I chose was “Gun Control has a clear Record of Failure” by Tom Gresham. In his article, he states that certain gun bans that they have tried  have failed because of how they handle the situation and that instead of banning guns, we should try and learn the safety of guns, therefore decreasing the chances of gun violation. I agree with this article because if we learn the safety and rights of guns, then there won’t be any more accidents and the violence will go down. But we don’t have to ban the right of bearing arms all together.

In my other article, “We Need Gun Control to Stop More Than Criminals,” by Susann Milligan, it states that all of these killings are because people are allowed to have guns and are able to use them whenever they want to. She explains her reasoning with examples and what had happened with them.  She explains that having certain bans, or having background checks, would be able to prevent many murders. I also agree with this one because certain people shouldn’t have guns, and having background checks and other may help with the violence that is spreading with firearms.

Gun control has always spike my curiosity and with all the bans they have been trying to place it has always had me questioning the ideas of gun control. Both of these articles and others I have read have been very valid in my quest for a good argumentative essay that I hope I can bring to the plate.

“Gun Control has a clear record of failure”

“We Need Gun Control to Stop More Than Criminals”

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