Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Is Gun Control Failing or Working? Christen Roper

When we think about tragedies like Sandy Hook or the Aurora Theater massacre, we think about “all of these happened because people were able to have guns.” They were able to bring guns in and do whatever they want with them, including killing innocent people. But is it the gun’s fault, or is it the people who decided to use the gun’s for violence? Guns are weapons, but they are there for our safety. 

In the two articles I pick, they both argue against the purpose of gun control. An article by Tom Gresham states that every gun control ban they have tried has failed, and that there should be different ways to work with gun control, but not ban it. They have tried many different ways to ban gun control on assault rifles and others, but people have still gotten them and are still using them. That even without the gun control or bans, that now with good people owning guns, violence and murder has gone down.

Another article by Susan Milligan explains that we need gun control because certain cases are all caused by violence with gun control. She uses two examples where gun violence had happened because the two criminals were able to take guns. She states that we need to have certain bans, but not take guns completely
Gun control is a serious matter in the US right now and I am really excited to get into this topic. Both my parents and my brother have their concealed weapons permit and carry guns for their safety and soon, once I turn twenty-one I will get my own. We are a gun owning family, yet we are the nicest family you could ever meet and only have them to take care of ourselves. Banning guns will now help us at all, it will only harm us. This essay will be able to help my own argument and what I think about it.

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