Friday, April 3, 2015

Prospectus - Christen Roper

The problem at hand is this: Guns have been in a series of crimes around the country and no one knows what to do when it comes to this problem. We don’t know how or what to do to stop all of the violence from happening because no matter what we come up with, there’s a loophole in the case and the idea either doesn’t get through, or just gets thrown away before even becoming a law or bill. 

There are few different audiences to think about with this problem. The victims of gun related murders, to the people who have sympathy for those victims, and also the NRA or gun-wielding citizens that shouldn’t be victimized for something someone else has caused.

My own stance is this: there should be some sort of gun control. Whether it is banning certain guns and ammunition like automatics or high capacity magazines, having stricter background checks and tests to prove that you are liable to own a gun. We shouldn’t ban guns to people who own guns because they have the right to for hunting or protection. But there should be some way to keep enough control to not let guns get into the wrong hands and cause enough pain and strife into our lives. 

I have been using some gun massacres throughout the years as one of my anecdotes and I have thought about using my own take since guns are a part of my life to me. I have some statistics about the gun control and how many guns have been related in crimes and such. I will use ethos, pathos, and logos, to pull my appeal together.

I hope with what I bring together that it will be a convincing take. Gun control is a serious matter, but how we can control it is the bigger question.

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