Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Are Too Many People Going To College? Essay question and answer- Christen Roper

I would like to answer question number three on the essay we have just read. It is about the paragraph of whether the man should be an electrician or a manager and why was this narrative placed here? It was placed here because it is beneficial. It shows us what we may have been thinking. Should we go to college to be a manager, or should we just head on to work and become an electrician. It is all the thoughts we go through. We have to balance out these thoughts by which would pay more money or which would be a better job for us or so on and so on. The argument needs this narrative because it plays a key factor into our part. 

We have two ideas. Should we go to college, go through four years or more of schooling to get a better paying job that most of the time we don’t like? Or should we just skip school and head on into the work force, get us a job that may not pay much but we have fun being in. It’s one of those thoughts you really have to go through to figure out, and Murray puts it in the right perspective. Are too many people going to college or not enough? Are we picking the jobs we want or not? It’s a major thought about what college means to each one of us.

This essay was really interesting because it is a key thought. Many of us go to college to get a better job, go for four or more years and may not even pass, or we do, get a job, and even though it pays better, we may not to be happy. It is up to a certain person and what they want. Are too many people going to college? That is an idea that we need to figure out on our own.

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